Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!! 2015

Happy New Year!!

2014 has flown by and just like that it's already 2015! How surreal...

Instead of looking back at how wonderful 2014 was, this year let's look ahead at what's install for 2015.
In the past I've done many different diets but this year is the year that everything changes! This year instead of doing crazy diets where I loose weight then put it back on afterwards, I'm going to change my lifestyle completely. I'm changing my outlook on Not focusing on shedding the pounds but getting fit and strong. This is my new years resolution.

To make this work and keep me motivated, I'm going to start slow because let's be honest, after a week of giving up chocolate, donuts and cake I'll end up having a binge fest and feel groggy for days!
So to start off my new years resolution, I'm going to be slightly more conscious about what I eat and say no to most (most) unhealthy foods. I say most because it's always nice to treat yourself to a bit of chocolate! :P I'll also start doing daily exercise weather it's taking a walk or going for a cycle. But still keeping in mind that I don't have to do it everyday if I'm not up for it. This year is all about getting healthy and building up a healthy lifestyle and not jumping into an extreme healthy lifestyle where I'd probably just end up giving it up after a month.

Updates to how everything's going will follow! But for now, happy new year!!
Let's make 2015 a year to remember and fill it with amazing memories!

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