Sunday, 10 May 2015


Hey all!

I know, I know, it's been a while...a long while.
So let me give you the 411 on what you've missed.

I have offers for university!! This September I'll be a student midwife - eek!!
So I've been revising like crazy for my up coming exams hence why I haven't had the time to write any posts :( busy busy busy! I have however been keeping up with my monthly meals but again not had the time to review them :(

I've also been learning to drive and between you and's going terribly. Terrible isn't even the word :/ Anyway, not long until my exams are over and I'll be back with (hopefully) regular blog posts on all sorts. Also just want to say...I went to see S Club 7!!!!!! It was an evening of childhood memories and 90s outfits. So much fun!

I'll be back with another blog post end of June so keep me in your diaries! Thinking about doing a haul for all things uni related too so let me know what you want to read!

Leave me a comment below telling me what you've been up to for the last couple of months and if you're at uni, what your essentials are for surviving the student life!

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