Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Resolution Update #January

January has flown by and before I know it, it'll be time for next years resolution!

I must admit starting a health kick straight after Christmas is so much easier said than done! After having a good 2 weeks of big meals and snacking on festive treats really took a toll on my resistance on food.

This month I also found myself being prescribed antibiotics (don't worry nothing serious!). I had to take them 4 times a day for 7 days. It doesn't bother me taking a tablet every 6 hours but what does bother me is that I had to take them on an empty stomach. This meant that I had to take them either 1 hour before food or 2 hours after food...which totally messed with my snack time! I thought that at least on the brighter side I'd be snacking less but what really happened was that I ate a lot more during meal times and after the course of medication was over, I had a bit of a snack food binge...


January 21st

Went out to lunch today and I must admit, I went for a side of chips rather than salad. I know, I know, I should have gone for the salad but it was 30p more that the chips! Here's my question, why? Just why? How is it that a mixture of leaves is more expensive that deep fried sliced potatoes? Makes no sense :( But hey! Didn't order a desert! To me, this is progress. Slowly but surely I am getting there! If you want to read about January's monthly meal then click here :)

I've spent this month mainly experimenting with new healthy foods and just slowly making the transition. Haven't really been focusing on cutting down snacks or meals yet, but hey we're only one month into this year's resolution!

Comment below and let me know how your new years resolution is going so far! (and good luck!)

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