Sunday, 8 February 2015

One of life's most valuable lessons

Hello everyone!

I was browsing the children's section in TK Maxx because the inner child in me just couldn't resist having a look at all the toys kids these days are playing with! When I came across their book section. Most of it was alphabet books and traditional fairytales but tucked away in the corner was a small pile of big picture books - the ones that are perfect for bedtime.

I picked one up just because I liked the cover of it *STARS* (I know, I know, never judge a book by it's cover) and I read it.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Resolution Update #January

January has flown by and before I know it, it'll be time for next years resolution!

I must admit starting a health kick straight after Christmas is so much easier said than done! After having a good 2 weeks of big meals and snacking on festive treats really took a toll on my resistance on food.